Estimated Results & ROI
The public sale price of $MNT is set at $0.006 per token. Based on the projected profit balance, the estimated return on investment (ROI) is as follows:
Financial Overview
Estimated Monthly Revenue (USD)
Estimated Taxes and Logistics
Costs (USD)
Estimated Monthly Operational
Costs (USD)
Estimated Monthly Profit (USD)
Investment & Breakeven Analysis
Public Sale Price per Token (USD)
Estimated Monthly Profit per Token (USD)
Estimated Breakeven Period
~14.5 months
At the current estimated monthly profit of $414,767.86, the profit per token is $0.0004148 per month. This means that public sale investors will break even in approximately 14.5 months.
This estimate is based on current mining capacity and market conditions. As production scales and revenue increases, the breakeven period may shorten, enhancing investor returns over time.
Last updated